Is France stagnating in the development of women’s football?

Every Wednesday, France Bleu Alsace puts women’s football in the spotlight.
Lack of professionalism, and therefore lack of investment. Our European neighbors have followed suit with more enthusiasm and are now ahead of us when it comes to setting up strong initiatives to promote sport.
Is France stagnating in the development of women’s football?
We are interested in this this evening with Margaux Dru from the feminization commission of the District of Alsace.
Clichés do not die hard, we will address the issue of gender in women’s football. Via the testimony of one of the great players of French football. Who will explain to us the traps in which it is better to avoid falling…

Also, we continue to discover the amateur club in the spotlight all this week: The MOSSIG Entente, Célia Schaeffer, a young member of the club, will present the women’s football activities within the club with in particular the creation of a new section.

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