University of Sherbrooke: the quantum revolution on the agenda

Quantum sciences focus on the phenomena of the infinitely small – at the atomic and molecular scale – to understand and transform our world. A leader in this booming discipline, the Université de Sherbrooke is launching a brand new undergraduate program this fall intended to train a new generation of scientists. Overview of this fascinating and, above all, very promising field.

Our society is just beginning to take an interest in the quantum world, but the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS), for its part, has been studying the question for nearly 50 years already. A journey that gave rise to the foundation of its Quantum Institute, which will be inaugurated in May 2022, and which brings together scientists from different disciplines – engineering, mathematics, chemistry, computer science – to carry out fundamental research work leading to the development of technologies. from the future. This interdisciplinarity, which is very rare in the field of quantum sciences, gives rise to extensive research which has made the reputation of the teaching institution, both here and abroad.

This interdisciplinary approach is at the heart of the new quantum science program at UdeS, the very first of its kind in the world, which meets the crying need for a specialized and qualified workforce. Three professors deeply involved in the design of the program lift the veil on the extraordinary potential of quantum sciences, both for our society in general and for those who want to make it their specialty.

Professor Nancy Dumais, who conducts research in cellular and molecular biology as well as in microbiology-immunology, is responsible for the management and coordination of the bachelor’s degree in quantum sciences. She is also director of the Center for Competence in Research Plus (CR+) at UdeS.

UdeS in a leading position Thanks to its 2nd and 3rd cycle programs, the UdeS has long trained people working in different spheres of the quantum ecosystem. The expertise in physics and quantum computing of the professor-researchers of the Faculty of Science is internationally recognized. It is for these reasons that they were awarded the Apogee Fund, one of the largest grants in Canada, which led to the founding of the Institut quantique. This innovative infrastructure stands out for its cutting-edge research on quantum materials, information and engineering, in which researchers from all over the world collaborate.

A cutting-edge program The creation of the new undergraduate program completes the Faculty’s training offer in quantum sciences and technologies. Students enrolled in the baccalaureate will have access to a stimulating and innovative environment based on active learning in small groups, which will allow them to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge. Students, who will have access to state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment, will do paid cooperative internships and will be able to learn about the entrepreneurial culture – with the School of Management – ​​to better meet the challenges of tomorrow. Although the discipline of quantum science is still developing, employers like Anyon Systems, 1QBit, Nord Quantique and giants like Google, Apple and IBM are already well established in the country. Applications full of promise Quantum sciences will be necessary for tomorrow’s society, since they will make it possible to push back the limits of current calculation by using the properties of matter at the atomic scale. The possible applications of quantum sciences, which are very broad, can affect fields as diverse as chemistry – thanks to the discovery of new molecules that can be used in the treatment of diseases –, cybersecurity, quantum cryptography, the development of new materials and quantum simulation.

The area of ​​expertise of Professor Michel Pioro-Ladrière, who is also deputy director of the Institut quantique, is that of quantum computing. More specifically, he works on the development of spin qubits, promising quantum devices for the realization of a quantum computer.

A field with very concrete applications We must break the perception that quantum science is very complex – even if no one can claim to understand quantum mechanics, whose postulates defy intuition! – and rather talk about their applications, which are very real. Because this field is behind the most significant technological advances of the last decades. A few examples: GPS, which works using atomic clocks; medical imaging, which uses nuclear magnetic resonance; and the laser, which is also based on the quantum properties of matter and light. Without forgetting that quantum theory has enabled the understanding of semiconductors, which are at the heart of the microelectronics industry. Quantum science is leading to the development of technologies that are transforming our world, and these examples are just the tip of the iceberg. We are already talking about a second quantum revolution.

The role of quantum computers in advancing modern science
From the early 1980s, the Nobel Prize in Physics Richard Feynman foresaw that the use of quantum computers would not only speed up calculations, but also perform certain calculations impossible for a conventional computer. What he foresaw was that by daring to bend to the rules of the game of nature on a microscopic scale, science and quantum technologies could significantly modify our lifestyles. Forty years later, the quantum computer, the cornerstone of this coming revolution, will make it possible to develop new materials, increase the effectiveness of drugs, accelerate progress in artificial intelligence and respond to fundamental questions, starting with those concerning the origin of the universe.

The race against time Beyond quantum technologies and applications, the next big challenge is the development of the quantum computer. Due to advances in recent years, the question is no longer whether it is possible to produce a quantum computer, but rather when, where and by whom it will be designed. Most of the companies participating in this global race talk about a ten-year horizon. One thing is certain: even if the quantum computer is not for tomorrow, we must be ready for its arrival in order to derive the maximum benefit from it. To do this, we must train scientists so that they can program this type of computer for the benefit of society. This is also the ultimate objective of the bachelor’s degree in quantum sciences.

Specialist in physical sciences and molecular physico-chemistry, and vice-dean for development and partnerships of the Faculty of Sciences, Professor Armand Soldera considers that it is the meshing of several disciplines that makes it possible to better capture phenomena and to to emerge from the bonds of first importance. A characteristic of the bachelor’s degree in quantum sciences at UdeS.

Observe the infinitely small His field of research focuses on the use of computers to represent what is happening at the molecular level in materials such as plastics. The aim is to compare the calculations made by computers with those obtained by experimental measurements. If there is agreement, this means that reality is correctly depicted, and that we can therefore predict the behavior of a material even before creating it. Theoretical chemistry can be used to perform such operations, but its computational resources are limited. The use of a quantum computer, which would perform calculations beyond the capacity of a classical computer, would solve many problems related to this technique and would give very precise results.

At the crossroads of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Recent breakthroughs in quantum technologies – like the development of the quantum computer – have been made possible by a sustained effort in research and development and by the concerted effort of several areas of expertise. It is in this context of innovation that the UdeS created the bachelor’s degree in quantum sciences. It will make it possible to train a specialized workforce essential to support the efforts to be made in terms of research and development, to fuel emerging companies in the quantum field and to generate the future large companies which will impose themselves in this sector of research. activity in the coming years.

A certain future Economic analysts are clear: problem solving using quantum computers will dominate the market for quantum technologies, which is estimated at several billion dollars, in the coming years. Beyond numbers, quantum computing contributes to the development of solutions to various social issues. Currently, multinationals such as IBM, Google, Intel and Microsoft – as well as local companies such as Sherbrooke’s Nord Quantique – are participating in the quantum computer race. At the same time, quantum sciences have already enabled several organizations to deploy applications for finance, the development of fertilizers or the optimization of the City of Montreal’s bus network, for example, and they contribute to the development ultra-sensitive sensors, which would be able to detect objects buried under the ground. This last application is currently marketed by companies such as Qubic and SBQuantum, in Sherbrooke.

Want to take action?

The Faculty of Sciences of the Université de Sherbrooke is dedicated to training an enlightened scientific future that will contribute to the development of society and the transmission of scientific culture. The members of its community make it their duty to carry out with integrity the research work necessary for the production of new knowledge and technological developments. Both the Faculty of Science and the Université de Sherbrooke are committed to promoting science and critical knowledge.

This content was produced by Le Devoir’s special publications team in collaboration with the advertiser. Le Devoir’s editorial team had no role in the production of this content.

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