actor Philippe Lellouche atomizes Anne Hidalgo, candidate for the presidential election!

Almost two years ago, Parisians went to the polls to elect their mayor for the next six years. And as often in the capital, the campaign was fierce and ruthless. If many hoped to dislodge Anne Hidalgo from her chair as leader, the socialist candidate held firm to be re-elected. For 18 years, the tough brunette has been surveying the gilding of the Hôtel de Ville, sometimes first assistant to Bertrand Delanoë during his two terms of office then as first city councilor since 2014. This politician fascinates as much as she irritates. Having become the pet peeve of motorists, her opponents have always mocked her green measures and baptized her “Queen of sores”.

Today candidate for the presidential election, Anne Hidalgo is this time clearly not in a good position to win the bet. Worse, the Socialist Party candidate is even given less than 5% in the polls. Its vertiginous fall and the announced snub could precipitate the party towards the oblivion of French politics. And if some are afraid to see the Andalusian take the socialist ship to the seabed, others are delighted. First of all because it is above all a personal story.

Philippe Lellouche was present this Wednesday, March 30 on the set of “Grandes Gueules”, a program broadcast on both RMC and RMC Story, to promote season 8 of “Top Gear” (RMC Découverte), of which he is animator. The actor mentioned Anne Hidalgo and he did not mince his words. “I hate her. It’s a total disregard for all commuters, who don’t necessarily have access to public transport because there isn’t that much. We are not going to come by bike from Savigny-sur-Orge for example“, he began.

Philippe Lellouche then stretched out the decisions of Anne Hidalgo on the world of culture. “I can guarantee you for theaters and restaurants it’s a drama. They also live in the small crown and the middle crown. There are no more parking possibilities… If one day Parisian culture and theater die, it won’t be the result of the Covid. The traffic is hellish and people don’t want to bother going out at night anymore“, he let go.

Thibaud Cruz

See also: Anne Hidalgo becomes the laughingstock of the web!

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