After doing everything hard alongside Florian Garcia in the duo Fréro Delavega, Jeremy Frérot quickly had a desire for a solo career. He released his first album in 2018, Matryoshka, before moving on a few months ago with Better life, establishing himself as a complete and productive artist. At 31, the singer has already known a lot in his life. Father of two children born in July 2017 and January 2021, he has been in a relationship with Laure Manaudou since 2015.
If all goes for the best in his private life as professionally, Jérémy Frérot still has some questions about the follow-up to be given to his career. Podcast guest Inspired produced by NRJ, he shared his feelings about being a singer. “It’s still tiring. It’s intense. It’s a lot of focus and hard work. Being in a performance all the time, highlighted in front of people you don’t know, it’s difficult”, he admits after a career that began in 2014 on the set of The Voice.
Maybe later I would like to do something else
Visibly exhausted by a very demanding professional career, Jérémy Frérot aspires to other responsibilities for his future. “Maybe later I would like to do something else”, he says, before dropping a small bomb: “I would like to be in the shadows”. So, are the days of the singer’s musical career numbered? In any case, he is not sure whether he wants a career like Aznavour or Sardou. “I don’t know if I will be able to do it (editor’s note: have a career that lasts). Now, you are seen everywhere. The artists before, the older generation, it’s incredible the careers they have. But before, they weren’t so exposed “, he explains.