What we really know about the five French nationals from the same family

Five days ago, five members of the same family were found at the foot of a building located opposite the entrance to the Casino in Montreux, Switzerland. Among the victims, a father in his forties, his wife and her twin. But also a 15-year-old teenager and his 8-year-old little sister. A shocking scene that had raised many questions. Did they jump from the 7th floor on purpose or was it an accident? The investigation seems to have finally determined the real causes of the tragedy.

According to the latest information from the Vaud cantonal police transmitted to our colleagues in Le Matin, French nationals have long been immersed in conspiracy and survivalist theories. For years, they had been living in virtual self-sufficiency. ” She (the family, editor’s note) had built up an impressive stock of all kinds of food, very well organized, occupying most of the different rooms in the apartment, to enable her to face a major crisis. “, indicate the police in a press release.

All of these elements suggest, among the members of this family, the fear of interference by the authorities in their lives. “. The investigation revealed in particular the presence of a stepladder on the balcony. One after another, the victims would then have thrown themselves from the 7th floor. Nothing seems to indicate the slightest altercation preceding their death. The agents in charge of the investigation also specified that two gendarmes had gone to the family’s home shortly before the action. ” Unable to enter, they waited a few minutes and left “says the report.

The former companion of the twin sister of the mother of the family spoke in the columns of the Journal du Dimanche. ” I am dumbfounded. It has been fifteen years since we had any news of this family. Six months after their marriage, this couple has brutally cut the bridges, without any explanation. The hypothesis of collective suicide is therefore widely favored. The 15-year-old is the only survivor, he is currently in a coma.


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