Alec Baldwin soon to be a dad for the 8th time: his wife Hilaria announces her pregnancy, 5 months after the fatal shooting

A miracle that couldn’t have come at a better time! Tuesday March 29, 2022, Hilaria Baldwin announced wonderful news: she is pregnant with her seventh child. A happy event that she expects of course with her husband Alec Baldwin.

On her Instagram account, the young woman, 26 years her junior, shared a tender video where she appears surrounded by her husband and their tribe of six children (Eduardo, 1 year and a half,

After many ups and downs over the past few years, we have a huge surprise: another Baldwinito is coming this fall.“, caption she, adding that this new baby was not planned at all: “We were pretty sure our family was complete. We are more than happy for this surprise.

Hilaria Baldwin is all the more delighted to be pregnant as this happy event occurs while the family is still going through very trying times. And for good reason, Alec Baldwin is still in turmoil for accidentally shooting a woman on the set of his last film in October 2021. What’s more, in 2019, the couple faced two difficult miscarriages. “Our new baby is a light in our lives. A blessing and a gift in these uncertain times. I missed you on my social media break. I’m back and can’t wait to share this crazy adventure called life“, wrote the beautiful entrepreneur of 38 years.

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