Covid-19: why is the epidemic returning to Europe?



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Contaminations are increasing. In Germany, Netherlands, but also in France, the epidemic of Covid-19 is once again very present, with disparities depending on vaccination coverage or the health measures put in place.

The epidemic is returning to France, “it is indisputable when you look at the incidence rate”, argues the journalist France Televisions and doctor Damien Mascret. Thursday, November 4, 9,502 new positive cases of Covid-19 were recorded in 24 hours in France. “We see that it also goes back to the hospital”, notes the journalist. “This is explained, because, with the weather getting worse, we are more indoors without a mask, we have started kissing again. And then there are a lot of people who are over six months old and haven’t had their third dose. “ vaccine.

In Europe, vaccination coverage amounts to 47%. “It’s not terrible and we can see that the incidence is exploding”, advance Damien Mascret. “If we look at France, with 76% vaccination coverage, we are actually doing better”. The Netherlands, which has the same vaccination rate, is also facing a new epidemic outbreak. “They lack the second important dike, these are the barrier gestures, analyzes the journalist, the reinforced measures such as the mask at work, in transport or at school, as is the case in France”. The Dutch Prime Minister has announced that they will step up the measures.

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