Jean Castex calls for “general mobilization” and the 3rd dose of vaccine

The Prime Minister said he was considering a health pass involving a third dose of vaccine for those concerned.

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The coronavirus pandemic is making a comeback … even in the speeches of the executive. Prime Minister Jean Castex urged, Friday, November 5, in Montpellier, to “a general mobilization around vaccination” in the face of the resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic in France, calling on those concerned to “resort to the 3rd dose”.

“We are not out of the epidemic, neither in France nor elsewhere, the time has not come to let our guard down”, also underlined the head of government, recalling that “even if it is not an explosion, 80 departments are experiencing a slight but real recovery”.

Asked by AFP on the avenues favoring vaccination including that of a health pass involving a third dose of vaccine, Jean Castex replied: “We are thinking about that of the health pass, no doubt more than the path of compulsory vaccination for those over 65”. He promised a “reply soon”.

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