STARTIJENN’s new album “Talm ur galon” will be released on April 8th: discover the clip

The emblematic group of Breton trance is revealed here in an unexpected new light and achieves the feat of being both mainstream and experimental. It illustrates in its own way a modern and incisive Breton musical identity.

Albums to win on France Bleu Breizh Izel

Unity of time and place for the beautiful black and white clip “Skilfoù an noz” – The claws of the night, taken from the album “Talm ur galon” – released on April 8 – and directed by Yannick Derennes assisted by Stéfan Girres.


  • Title: Skilfoù an noz
  • Performers / Actors: Startijenn
  • Director: Yannick Derennes
  • Sound: Ludovic Mesnil and Tangi Oillo (takes), Ludovic Mesnil (mixing) and Bruno Gruel (mastering)
  • Composers / Authors: Tangi Le Gall-Carré, Lionel Le Page, Tangi Oillo, Youenn Roue and Julien Stévenin
  • Production: Paker Prod (2022)

Shot in one day at Hang’Art Studio in the Côtes d’Armor in a unique setting, a plain white or gray background depending on the moment of the song, the clip presents the five musicians of Startijenn in the simplest and most direct way possible. in a “live” register in which the group excels, in the total expression of their music: full of energy. The sobriety of the staging is reinforced by the aesthetics of black and white, in connection with the artistic direction of the album and the photos taken for it. The group is filmed in its entirety with two cameras to be able to quickly vary the shots in the editing in order to respect the rhythm of the piece; then certain sequences of instruments performing solos are extracted. The light installation, mainly lighting in the shower and the use of modellers, makes it possible to change the atmosphere from one sequence to another and to reinforce the contrasts. Leaving room for the melody and the verb as well as the mad energy released by the group, here is the challenge of this marathon shooting and this bet…successful!
Yannick Derennes is a video director. He has lived and worked in Brittany for 20 years. He took his first steps in event video recording in 2001 and thus, between institutional and artistic projects, acquired his experience with various audiences. From the stages of festivals (Vieilles Charrues, Transmusicales, Interceltique, etc.) to films promoting the territory, his approach is both very technical and artistic. He enjoys creating atmospheres, telling stories, translating the very essence of his subjects into images. To find some of his work: yannickderennes


Skilfoù an noz
Funk an ton, ma gwerzenn zo don evel ur gwerz Unaniñ ar chadenn gant ur boblañs a-serzh
Krenañ al their glove ur plin uhel war skeulenn Richter Pobl a zañs zo kreñv evel ur panzer
A dañser zo priziusoc’h ‘vit kant mil stream
Ur skoed a-dal d’ar c’haoc’h a strev an ardivink Selaou ‘ta Jacques hag e c’hwec’h kordenn strink
Nerzh an hengoun a vir ur strakell diouzh an tuning Paket e vi etre skilfoù an noz ‘vel Freddy glove ARY glove
Kavout a ri an nor digor pa po ezhomm goudor pa gari Kompren a ri aze hon tro-spered
Gant ar fest-noz omp bet savet ha n’eo ket gant ar stered
Eus ar c’havell d’an arched, heñchet
Gant ur c’hast a levezon sanket ennomp evel ur c’hleze don Gwriziennoù don a ro d’an den ur spered sonn

Hor yezh a red en hor gwazhiennoù evel ma red an albumin oc’h enebiñ ouzh korfoù-eskern ganto filc’hier troet war an tu-gin
Ni zo danvez-tarzh ha ket hini Plevin
Ni zo ‘tal sal ar fest ha prest d’he deviñ Ivin ma biz kreiz a gresk da vout ur skilfenn Ni ‘vo ar re o bounto ‘tal dor an Ifern

The claws of the night
Funkise the tune, my verse is deep like a lament
To unite the chain of a people and let them stand
To shake the ground with a Plin high on the Richter scale A dancing people is powerful like a panzer
A dancer is, for us, more precious than a hundred thousand streams He is a bulwark against the mediocrity that the machine spits out at us Listen to Jacques and his six strings of crystal
The strength of tradition preserves us from cultural misery
You will be prisoner of the claws of the night like with Freddy in ARY We will open the door to you if you seek shelter there
You will find our state of mind there
We do not come from the stars because only the fest-noz created us From the cradle to the coffin, guided
By a fucking inspiration that pierces us deep like a sword
Our deep roots give men free spirits

Our tongue circulates in our veins like albumen Adversity in the face of the reaper who wishes to seize it
We are explosive but not that of Plévin
We’re in front of the concert hall ready to set it on fire My middle fingernail grows into a claw
We will be the ones who will push the Ankou to the gates of hell


The emblematic group of Breton trance is revealed here in an unexpected new light, and achieves the feat of being both mainstream and experimental. It illustrates in its own way a modern and incisive Breton musical identity.

Startijenn sits down, dreams and presents TALM UR GALON – The beating of a heart:

Original, sensitive and vibrant compositions, in a mix of current and ancestral music. Intimate and melancholic ballads that evoke the depth of feelings, invitations to exalted trances. A solid line-up combining traditional instruments (bombarde, binioù, uilleann-pipes, diatonic accordion) and a muscular rhythmic base with rock energy (bass and guitar). Musicians with expressive and free play who invent original arrangements on familiar sounds. Sometimes a voice whispers, chants, explodes, in a powerful, lively and creative language. An XXL beat that punctuates this new show, the artists’ response to a world that is closing in on itself.

  • Tangi Le Gall-Carré: accordion
  • Ronan Fouquet: sound
  • Lionel Le Page: binioù & uilleann-pipes
  • Camille Loiseau: lights
  • Tangi Oillo: guitar
  • Youenn Roue: bombard & vocals
  • Sylvain Girault: outside view
  • Julien Stevenin: bass

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