On France 3, in “Sunday in politics”, big tensions when Emmanuel Macron is questioned about the McKinsey affair!

Tensions are rising little by little as the first ballot of the presidential elections approaches. While Eric Zemmour and Marion Maréchal Lepen went to the Trocadéro for a meeting that brought together more than 100,000 people, Emmanuel Macron was able to defend himself that same day on France 3 in Sunday in politics.

Moreover, it was during this same program that Marine Le Pen was in duplex since her trip to Guadeloupe when things turned sour. Indeed, individuals would not have hesitated to attack her verbally but also to snatch her microphone. A behavior that has not been validated by the current head of state despite the fact that they are rivals.

“I am keen on democratic debate. I fight Madame Le Pen’s ideas but with respect. And I think that the democratic life that is ours, especially at a time of election, means condemning with the greatest firmness any form of verbal and even more physical violence. The scene we have just seen is absolutely unacceptable and therefore everything will have to be done to ensure that clarifications are made and justice passes.“said the husband of Brigitte Macron on this subject.

Emmanuel Macron steps up to the plate by evoking the McKinsey affair

Between 2018 and 2021, the consulting firm would have worked for the government to avoid having to pay its taxes in France. Although he is mainly brought to discuss his program during his electoral campaign, this point was not avoided during his passage on France 3.

Since March 17, a report has been issued by the Senate where we can discover the work of advice carried out by private firms during the last term of Emmanuel Macron. We can see that their use would have at least doubled between three years. In these private practices, McKinsey was quoted. But has the American consulting giant really contributed to the fact that France does not pay taxes? Although a cabinet official maintained that the sums were settled, the senators suspected false testimony.

Asked about this in Sunday in politics, Emmanuel Macron got annoyed and said while raising his voice: “Let anyone who has proof of manipulation bring the contract into question in criminal proceedings (…) We have the impression that there are tricks, it’s not true! No contract has been signed in the Republic without respecting the rule of public procurement. Competition, transparency, responsibility for those who sign, otherwise it is criminal “. A defense that has the merit of being clear.

See also : Emmanuel Macron assaulted at the agricultural fair

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