… the big statement to Arnaud, the man who makes her so happy and serene!

For several months now, Diane Leyre became the darling of the French for a year. Regularly, the beautiful brunette organizes FAQs on her social networks in order to indulge more in her daily life and the questions that plague Internet users.

Moreover, the beauty queen does not hesitate to break certain taboos like his sweating problems which she shared with her community. “I wanted to add two things: before, I often blamed myself when my session was worse than the day before. I know there are many of us like that. Now I always tell myself that it’s always better than staying on your sofa so I can be proud to have gone there. You have to listen to your body, it has the right to be less fit. When I was younger, I didn’t dare to do sports in public because I tend to sweat a lot when I do cardio”. Diane Leyre continuing by putting things into perspective: “Now, I tell myself that if my body is sweating, it’s because it needs it! It’s natural. And then I have this feeling of having worked well. I stop sweating. stop on the judgment of others, I live for me !” confided the protege of Sylvie Tellier.

While she announced to be single, the sentimental life of Diane Leyre intrigues more than one. That said, even if no one has succeeded in turning his head since his coronation, the one who posted a disturbing message on social networks stay well surrounded. This is what she proved during her last shoot where she looked very eye-catching with her look.

Indeed, Diane Leyre took the opportunity to make a beautiful statement to the man who allows her to be on top since she became Miss France. “I love my @Arnaudsoldourdin so much. In this beautiful Miss adventure, he is both my guardian angel, my right arm, my adviser, my designer, my daily support. I wish everyone to have an Arnaud in his life” she wrote in the caption of her Instagram story dating from this Friday, March 25, 2022. How cute!

See also: Diane Leyre’s hidden baby

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