Benjamin Castaldi: His grandmother Simone Signoret… comes into contact with him in TPMP!

Benjamin Castaldi does not have grandparents like everyone else. The columnist of Do not touch My TV rubbed shoulders with actor Yves Montand thanks to his grandmother Simone Signoret, to whom he was very close. So losing his grandmother at the age of 15 was difficult for him to manage. But being separated by two worlds does not prevent Benjamin Castaldi from feeling the presence of his grandmother by his side. Disappeared in 1985, Simone Signoret appears every day alongside her grandson. At least that’s the feeling that Flavie Flament’s ex-husband has had for some time. He therefore wanted to get to the bottom of it with the special guest of TPMP this Friday, March 25: Jean Testanière.

Jean Testanière has contacts with the afterlife. He even wrote a book, What if life was just the beginning, which he therefore came to present on the set of Cyril Hanouna. After revealing some anecdotes about this gift given to him, Jean Testanière revealed important points about some missing relatives of the chroniclers around the table. Benjamin Castaldi included. The latter also wanted to hear from his grandmother and finally had confirmation that this feeling of having her with him was indeed real: “She has always been close to you, she is even more so than before. She says: ‘I never left him, he knows it’.

Benjamin Castaldi was even entitled to other information concerning Simone Signoret: “Where she is, she is in full plenitude and serenity. She simply says the following: ‘I am fine. I had a bit of a tough time. He knows it at some point, but I’m very very well’“. Jean Testanière affirmed that she would always be there for him and that he had to continue his career as a columnist and host until the end: “She tells you to keep doing what you’re doing, because you haven’t given it your all. There is pugnacity, you have to go“, concluded Jean Testanière.

Modest, Benjamin Castaldi left nothing to show what these words had caused in him but no doubt about the effect they had on him. On numerous occasions, Gabriel’s dad spoke of his ties with his paternal grandmother who had notably saved his life in his youth. A few days ago, he said he had seen several of his friends die in the collapse of a sand quarry where he used to play. Thinking of returning there one afternoon, Simone Signoret had forbidden her: “My friends had an accident. Wanting to continue building our hiding place, they got buried under tons of sand. Some are dead. It’s the shock“. A shock that could have killed him if his grandmother had not been there to prevent it.

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