“I feel like there is something wrong”

Valérie Pécresse is on all fronts. In this period of presidential campaign, the politician connects the meetings and interviews to seduce citizens with its program. But within her party, the happy mother of three is divided. To make matters worse, Nicolas Sarkozy who has always defended the colors of the Republicans disdains to support him.

Out of sight, the husband of Carla Bruni would praise more the candidacy of Emmanuel Macron rather than his own. A situation that would be difficult to cash in for the main interested party. “Valérie is outraged by his behavior”, assured a source close to the politician for Point. “How can you not be at the same time? She saw it very badly and I can tell you that we do too.” Support is rare for Valérie Pécresse.

As pointed out by the Huffpost this Thursday, March 24, 2022, it would barely exceed the “10% voting intentions” according to their latest polls. In Neuilly-sur-Seine, the former stronghold of Nicolas Sarkozy, the inhabitants also shun the presidential candidate. This week, our colleagues were able to talk with some of them and some right-wing activists on the Sablons market.

Everyone is disappointed by this “sad” campaign. For them, Nicolas Sarkozy’s silence about the president of the Ile-de-France region speaks volumes. “It corresponds to what we think, that he is not thrilled with Valérie Pécresse”analyzed a voter who seems tempted by the ideas of Eric Zemmour. “I have the impression that there is something wrong, of factory”, added another. To make matters worse, the wife of Jérôme Pécresse saw his campaign turned upside down… This week, she unfortunately contracted Covid-19. “I am continuing the campaign from a distance and in compliance with health rules”,assured Valérie Pécresse. To be continued…


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