a unique number to find medical appointments for Ukrainian refugees

This is an initiative that will enable Ukrainian refugees in Strasbourg to quickly find doctors. The CPTS, the regional health professional community in northern Strasbourg has just created a single phone number. It will allow refugee center coordinators or the families who welcome them to make appointments very quickly.

The number will be reachable from this Monday by the coordinators of refugee centers or the families who host them. At the other end of the wire a telesecretariat will offer them appointments in return quickly with volunteer GPs whom he will contact directly.

Doctors Veena Augustin and Pierre Tryleski at the origin of the single number for refugees © Radio France
Antoine Balandra

After these appointments with the general practitioners, the latter will redirect the refugees when necessary to 30 cardiologists, oncologists, dentists, child psychiatrist, pharmacists and analytical laboratories in Strasbourg. All volunteered to quickly receive these women and children for consultation.

Pharmacists will be able to help refugees transcribe their prescriptions for Ukrainian medicines into French. One of the challenges will also be to make a complete assessment with all these new arrivals by checking, for example, the status of compulsory vaccinations. The unique number in question, it’s 03 67 47 07 12.

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