nanoplastics detected for the first time in human blood




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Dutch researchers have discovered nanoparticles in the blood of human beings. Present on the set of 12/13, Friday March 25, the doctor and journalist Damien Mascret sheds light.

Nanoplastics have been detected in the blood of humans. It’s a first. Until now, blood assays were on the micro scale, ie to the millionth of a meter. The nano scale corresponds to the billionth of a meter. “To give you an idea, the diameter of a hair is more than 50,000 nm, a bacterium is above 1000 nm”explains the doctor and journalist Damien Mascret, present, Friday March 25, on the set of 12/13.

Dutch researchers from the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) went lower, to 700 nm. “They were able to look, indeed, in the blood, if there were plastic nanoparticles”, continues the specialist. They found it in 17 individuals, out of 22 tested. For the past fifteen years, nanoparticles have been everywhere: in the air, in water, in food, in clothing or even in cosmetics. Researchers will now have to establish whether the nanoparticles only pass through the blood, and are eliminated by the liver and kidneys, or whether they remain in the body and, if so, with what consequences for health.

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