Near Toulouse, the army trains health professionals in disaster medicine



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Three hundred civilian health professionals participated in training in war medicine. This training, provided by the army since the 2015 attacks, takes on another dimension with the situation in Ukraine. #TheyHaveTheSolution

They are doctors, nurses or firefighters and have decided to train in disaster medicine. On the Cugnaux military base, in Haute-Garonne, 300 trainees take part in training days offered by the Armed Forces Health Service, in partnership with hospitals and Samu 31. Plunged into the heart of an attack on French soldiers in combat, these civilian caregivers learn to save victims in a hostile environment: stop bleeding, free the airways, sort the wounded… Participants here learn army techniques to apply gestures in a conflict situation that they practice on a daily basis. ” VSIt’s really extreme war situations that you can’t find in SAMU every day. It teaches us a lot, as they are used to managing with few means explains Mathieu Favier, emergency doctor.

A war medicine in which these health personnel wanted this year more than ever to train. ” With the war in Ukraine, we tell ourselves that we can experience this tomorrow. It’s an exchange of knowledge and it’s very interesting, it’s a huge added value says Clarisse Soilliez, emergency nurse at Rangueil University Hospital. The proximity of the war in Ukraine gives even more weight to these two days spent with military experts. ” The news unfortunately shows us that the scenes of war are getting closer on the geopolitical level» emphasizes Jean-Philippe Durrieu Du Faza, chief physician at the 11th CMA.VSHealth professionals can also be exposed to attacks.»

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