in Châteauroux, the virtual company Vert Amande trains future employees

Allow people to gain experience by putting them in situation, such is the vocation of Vert Amande, one of the five educational training companies (EEP) present in the Center Region. An EEP is a virtual business but works like a real business with its various services: reception, accounting, HR, sales department… It works in a network with the other EEPs which will play the role of customer, supplier or carrier, for example.

This training, financed by the Center Region, is part of the offer of the CCI of Indre. It lasts ten weeks : 70% of the time is devoted to updating and discovering trades and 30% to role-playing. It is followed by two weeks of work placement.

A hundred trainees per year

Vert Amande welcomes around a hundred trainees per year: job seekers, disabled workers, people in retraining… “We bring the practice to people who are inexperienced. If they are able to complete a task at our place, they will be able to do it later in a real company”, explains Annabelle Collas, its director. The results are conclusive: 60 to 65% of trainees find a job within six months.

The training continued during the Covid but at a distance. Trainees who did not have one were provided with laptops. The return to face-to-face was done in small groups in turn. “This period was also good, believes the director. The trainees learned to master the tools in order to work remotely. We are moving more and more towards digital to meet the new expectations of companies.

Vert Amande celebrates its thirtieth anniversary this year: it is the oldest EEP in France. It was created on March 9, 1992 on the model of a textile company at a time when the activity was still important in Indre.

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