Pierre Bruneau announces his retirement

An important page is turning in the television universe. Host Pierre Bruneau is retiring. The legend of information will present its last bulletin on June 16, after 46 years as anchor at TVA.

Posted at 5:40 p.m.
Updated at 10:17 p.m.

Marc-Andre Lemieux

Marc-Andre Lemieux
The Press

Throat tied with emotion, Pierre Bruneau announced the news on the 5 p.m. bulletin on Thursday. The 69-year-old journalist said it was a well-considered decision he had been thinking about for a long time.

“I still have a passion for the job,” said the 23-time Artis award winner. Coming to work has never been a chore for me. On the contrary, it is a daily pleasure. But after 45 years [bientôt 46 ans] under the spotlights of TVA and 50 years of journalism, I have a taste for a little shade. »

Although he leaves the animation of the VAT News in three months, Pierre Bruneau will return, provincial elections oblige, to his position at the helm of the TVA leaders’ debate next fall. He will also lead the Québec 2022 election evening.

Reached on the phone in the evening, Pierre Bruneau felt “liberated” and “serene” after a hectic day. “When I got back to work this morning, it reminded me of the first time I set foot at TVA in 1976. I was feverish,” he said.

It is also with excitement that he plans the next few weeks, the next few months, the next few years, with his wife, Ginette, and with his loved ones.

“Despite all the passion that I still have for the profession, and all the pleasure that I have in rubbing shoulders with my colleagues, I want to take advantage of the good times with my own. »

Healthy after secretly battling cancer in 2016 and 2017, Pierre Bruneau swears he will continue to take the TVA stairs until his departure, a habit he adopted in 2007 while training to climb Kilimanjaro. Every day he climbs a total of 26 floors. “It’s part of my ritual. It allows me to be alone,” he explained.

A shower of reactions

The announcement of Pierre Bruneau’s retirement sparked many reactions. On Twitter, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, wished a “wonderful retirement” to the renowned anchor. “It’s the end of an era,” noted the Liberal leader. For more than four decades, Pierre Bruneau has kept Quebecers informed from the office of TVA Nouvelles. He also put me on the spot once or twice. Thanks for all your work. Rock. »

Quebec Premier François Legault also paid tribute to the journalist online. “Quebecers will miss Pierre Bruneau,” tweeted the CAQ leader. After 46 years of career, we can say that it is a deserved retirement. »

In interview with The Press, Gino Chouinard, another emblematic figure of TVA, did not hide his great admiration for Pierre Bruneau, both professionally and personally. “Holding the antenna for so long, with such extraordinary results, is quite an achievement. Pierre has never given up on challenges. He always took them head-on. »

The host of Hi hello ! hailed the social impact of the king of ratings, recalling that he created the Charles-Bruneau Foundation in 1990 to continue the work begun by his eldest son, who died of leukemia at the age 12 years old.

A close friend and former colleague of Pierre Bruneau, Philippe Lapointe also applauded his philanthropic work. “With his foundation, he made a difference for so many people,” said the former senior vice-president of the TVA network over the phone. He put his notoriety at the service of the common good. It’s wonderful. »

Philippe Lapointe describes Pierre Bruneau as a “gentleman”. He praises his rigor and above all, his boundless dedication. No matter the day or the hour, the recipient of the Order of Canada (2012) and the National Order of Quebec (2008) is always ready to deliver the news when the news demands it.

“People don’t realize how difficult a job it is to be a news anchor,” insisted Philippe Lapointe. It’s demanding, because it’s every day. You don’t have the right to be bad or average. It must be said: Pierre Bruneau was Wayne Gretzky every day. He was good all the time. »

At the other end of the line, Mario Dumont described his 10 years spent working alongside Pierre Bruneau as a “privilege”. “He is a great professional. I have fond memories of memorable election nights. It’s a whole era on which we turn the page. »

On social networks, the political community did not remain indifferent to the announcement of the pillar of information. Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante, Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet, Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade, Québec solidaire spokesperson Manon Massé and several other elected officials applauded his achievements.

Honors also abounded on the journalistic side. “The most important factor to measure the success of a career is the length of time,” said Radio-Canada Téléjournal anchor Patrice Roy, before wishing his colleague well done and good luck.

In a press release, TVA Group President Pierre Karl Péladeau thanked Pierre Bruneau for his passion and professionalism. “Over the past six decades, Pierre Bruneau has forged a very special bond with Quebecers of all generations. It is an integral part of their daily life by accompanying them every evening with rigor, relevance and humanity. »

Pierre Bruneau became known to the public in 1972 as a radio journalist in Victoriaville. He also distinguished himself at the microphone of CKAC in Montreal for a few years.

As TVA anchor, Pierre Bruneau has covered most of the key events of the past 40 years, such as the 1981 assassination of Ronald Reagan, the 1989 Polytechnique massacre, the 1990 Oka crisis, the the 1996 Saguenay flood, the September 2001 World Trade Center attacks and, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2019, he published his autobiography, Same time, same positionEditions de l’Homme.

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