health professionals confronted with the parallel resurgence of winter illnesses

More and more patients are flocking to the office of this general practitioner, in Toulouse, who like many colleagues, is facing an upsurge in Covid-19 contaminations, but also, at the same time, an outbreak of colds, gastroenteritis and other winter viruses.

“We have maybe a third of flu, a third of gastro and a third of Covid, says Nicolas Homehr, who works in Lherm, a town southwest of Toulouse. We really have an upsurge in requests for appointments and emergencies, especially for children. Of course, everyone is afraid of the Covid. We have negative tests, positive tests, but in all of this, a lot of flu syndromes, a lot of gastroenteritis, among all age groups, which we did not have a month ago.

Right next door, Nathalie, one of her patients, is still sick. “I had, she explains, more trouble breathing and speaking, and a heavy cough. The doctor told me that I had asthmatic laryngitis-bronchitis.” Of course, she thought about Covid-19, and carried out three tests. But no: it was not the Covid.

“I told myself that since it wasn’t the Covid, it was going to pass. And it didn’t pass….”

This late resurgence of winter illnesses is partly explained by the end of restrictions linked to Covid-19. So, at the slightest symptom, we must not relax the barrier gestures, insists Dr. Bernard. “We must not change the implementation of barrier measures, whatever the virus, he insists. They must apply. It is true that the patients have given up a little…”

In case of flu or a bad cold, it is therefore advisable to wear a mask and wash your hands regularly.

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