“I’m very worried”: Lio, broke? The star talks about her financial problems

Singer Lio gave an interview for Galathe opportunity for the one who made herself known thanks to her hits banana split Where Brunettes don’t count for plums to return to the violence of his ex, but also to his financial problems due to his lifestyle of “nomadic woman“.

Not all stars of the 1980s have the income of Patrick Hernandez, who still earns an incredible sum for his cult title Born to be alive. Besides, like many stars, Lio has never really managed her money herself: “I don’t live badly, but I live just in time. I have no cash. I never cared about any of that. When I was earning a good living, other people managed that aspect.“Precarious means that the star explains by his way of life”Bohemia“, always going to the four corners of the world. “Me, I’ve always lived in a suitcase, I’ve never stayed more than three years in the same place. Today, I don’t even have a place of my own” she says for Gala.

Nevertheless, the one who became a grandmother for the first time, now asks herself questions about the complexity of assuming this way of life as the years go by. “I’m a nomad with all that that entails, especially when you’re over 20, that’s probably why I feel fragile. I have no anchor. I’m very worried… I am a worried woman explained the visibly disturbed singer.

His son Igor and his wife Pauline became parents for the first time in March. This new life as a grandmother, Lio wants to fully assume it but does not intend to change for all that. “For the moment, I wonder above all where I will receive it… I might remain what I am: a nomadic grandmother!” she said.

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