“We want a happy future”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Thursday, March 24, meeting with Lucas, 18, activist in the French Communist Party.

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Lucas, 18, lives in Pas-de-Calais, in Boulogne-sur-Mer. He is a history student and a member of the French Communist Party, committed to the presidential candidate Fabien Roussel.

Lucas has been active in the PCF since he was 16 years old. If he decided to get involved in politics at such a young age, it was in particular because he was marked by seeing his mother often worn out by work. “My mother works in the factory. When I see her come home from work tired every night, I tell myself that there may be something to change.

The young activist challenges the capitalist system. “If the climate is out of order, if humans are exploited and mistreated, it is because of capitalism. So I chose communism to bring down this system.

Fabien Roussel is a hope in the middle of this rotten presidential campaign.

For Lucas, Fabien Roussel represents hope, “that of a power on the left which is republican, which talks about social issues and which is also green.“It’s also according to him”a hope in the midst of a rotten countryside, rotten by war and by neo-liberal ideas.

What Lucas appreciates in Fabien Roussel is also the optimism, which he says he finds in his speeches. “We want a happy future. What we need is a revolutionary, communist and republican candidate. It’s good to see a happy and frankly left-wing campaign.

In a few days, Lucas will vote for the first time in a presidential election and he is delighted: “I am very happy to be able to vote and especially to vote for someone who agrees with my ideas. I tell myself that I’m really lucky to have a candidate who suits me and whom I trust.

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