COVID-19 report | 14 deaths, 28 more hospitalizations

(Montreal) The slight upward trend in new cases of COVID-19 continued in Quebec on Wednesday, while the number of deaths jumped by 14, against two the day before.

Posted at 11:21 a.m.
Updated at 11:26 a.m.

Suzanne Colpron

Suzanne Colpron
The Press

There are 1,062 people hospitalized with COVID-19, an increase of 28 in 24 hours. In all, 127 people were admitted and 99 others were discharged.

In intensive care, there is also a slight increase: the number of patients has increased from 50 to 57.

According to the latest figures from the Ministry of Health and Social Services, there are 2,295 new cases of infection. Note: this number does not reflect reality due to the limits imposed on screening centres, reserved for priority clienteles.

Since the start of the pandemic, Quebec has recorded 14,288 deaths attributed to COVID-19.

On the screening side, 17,540 samples were taken on March 22. The number of self-reported rapid tests has reached 119,732 so far, including 94,455 positives. For Wednesday alone, there are 1,300 declared tests, including 1,096 positive.

In addition to the 2,295 new cases detected by PCR tests on Thursday, 2,365 Quebecers reported having obtained a positive result from a rapid test. Self-reported cases increased by 78% over one week.

Vaccination continues slowly in the province. In the last 24 hours, 5585 new injections have been added. Total: 18,896,401 doses have been received by Quebecers since the start of the vaccination campaign.

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