a diplomatic marathon begins in Brussels, a month after the start of the Russian invasion

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06:54 : To save refugees, wounded, or transport equipment, drivers run trains in the dark in Ukraine, says a journalist from The Economist. “It’s a wartime precaution to avoid becoming a target.”

06:44 : “Speak out, demonstrate from your offices, homes, schools and universities, demonstrate in the name of peace! The world must stop war.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky calls on citizens around the world to demonstrate, one month to the day after the start of the Russian invasion.

06:43 : NATO estimates that 7,000 to 15,000 Russian soldiers were killed in Ukraine. A senior Alliance military official says the estimate is based on information from Ukrainian authorities, what Russia has released — intentionally or not — and intelligence gathered from open sources, AP said. (in English).

06:29 : This decision could even turn against Russian gas suppliers, European customers could ask for shorter contracts or more limited volumes. Buyers may also struggle to find rubles as Russian banks have limited their trading in the currency due to sanctions.

06:29 : Hello @pol The long-term consequences are still unclear. “Our contracts provide for payment of the gas in euros, there is no clause allowing the seller to change currency”explained the president of Engie to the Echoes.

06:28 : Hello, Auralie was probably referring to breaches of contracts following Russia’s decision to be paid in rubles. What are the consequences of this decision? Thank you

06:23 : The Russians have however launched the siege of several cities in the North (Sumy, Kharkiv, Tchernihiv) and in the South (Marioupol, Mikolaiv, Melitopol). “They entered a phase of sieges and repressions, during which Ukrainian mayors were arrested”notes a specialist interviewed by the Parisian.

06:22 : Hello @Stephane A month into its invasion of Ukraine, Russia is now short of men and supplies. The army compensates for its weaknesses with bombardments and has so far managed to capture only one major strategic city, Kherson, explains The Parisian (paid item).

06:22 : Hello, the advance of the Russian troops seems limited and little progress for a few days. Is this the case?

06:17 : Washington must announce at summits in Brussels today “a set of sanctions which concern both political figures” and “oligarchs”announced Jake Sullivan, national security adviser to US President Joe Biden.

06:14 : The EU imports 40% of its gas from Russia. In 2021, Europe bought 140 billion m3 of Russian gas via its gas pipelines, and 15 billion m3 of liquefied Russian gas, i.e. almost half of its needs. If Russian supplies are cut off, it could turn to Norway or Algeria. But volumes are limited. Explanations.

06:13 : Hello @Auraline For the moment, this question is not on the agenda in France. TotalEnergie is not going to put an end to imports of Russian gas, but of Russian oil. According to the company, Europe still needs Russian gas for the next two to three years.

06:13 : What would be the consequences of a “breach of contract” in the import of Russian gas? Can this lead to the end of the Russian gas supply? Thank you for any details you can provide.

06:08 : The Russian army has retreated more than 30 km east of kyiv in the past 24 hours and has begun to establish defensive positions on several fronts in Ukraine, a senior Pentagon official said. “It’s not that they’re not advancing, it’s that they’re not trying to advance. They’re taking defensive positions.”

06:15 : We start by taking stock of the news:

• After a month of war in Ukraine, three summits – NATO, G7 and European Union – are organized in Brussels. According to the White House, it will above all be a question of consolidating the arsenal of sanctions already taken and of strengthening NATO’s position in Eastern Europe. Follow our live.

After the death of the separatist Yvan Colonna, the Collectivity of Corsica announced the half-masting of its flags. A “mistake”denounces Emmanuel Macron

President-candidate Emmanuel Macron pleaded for “emancipation” overseas territories by investing in education, health and the development of their “food and energy autonomy” to fight unemployment.

• Madeleine Albright, the first woman Secretary of State of the United States after being the country’s first ambassador to the UN, has died at the age of 84.

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