“Renault must continue to pay the salaries of Russian workers”, asks a French union representative

“Renault protects the big shareholders and it is the employees who pay each time”, reacted on franceinfo Pascal Le Manach, CGT union representative of the Renault-Cléon factory.

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The French car manufacturer Renault, qualified Wednesday March 23 by the Ukrainian president of “sponsor of the Russian war machine” for its activity in Russia, announced on Wednesday evening suspending the activities of its Moscow factory. “I think of the Russian workers whom I consider as comrades”reacted to franceinfo Pascal Le Manach, CGT union representative of the Renault-Cléon factory.

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“I think that the Russian workers of Renault also have, like us, families to feed”worried the French trade unionist, who is asking “that Renault pay the salaries of Russian workers in full” during the interruption of the activity.

“The consequences of the war are direct for Renault employees, not for Renault itself.also denounced Pascal Le Manach. Renault protects the big shareholders and it is the employees who pay every time.”

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