Guillaume Genton humiliated by his ex-girlfriend, the TPMP columnist lifts the veil on their alluring relationship… Shock confidences!

On a daily basis, Cyril Hanouna hosts countless numbers of Do not touch My TV on C8. His show is a hit on television to the chagrin of competing channels. This Wednesday, March 23, 2022, the PAF star had the honor of welcoming Michel Leeb. On his set, the famous comedian promoted his brand new show. But not only ! Facing the camera, the columnists also questioned him about their sexuality. The opportunity for Guillaume Genton to let loose on the subject… In order not to change.

“It excites me a lot when people speak badly to me and disrespect me. Is it normal ?” asked the main interested party, provoking the laughter of his colleagues. “This is not possible…”replied Michel Leeb, annoyed. “No it does not exist…”. In front of this distinguished guest, Guillaume Genton did not disassemble. Quite the contrary.

“It’s true, I had a girlfriend who called me sh*tbag”, added the ex-companion of Cindy Lopes. To which Nicolas Pernikoff replied hilarious: “The one I know?”. “Yeah”, confirmed Guillaume Genton. “Yeah, that’s right”. A new confidence which had the merit of disconcerting Cyril Hanouna. “And you loved it? asked Lino and Bianca’s dad before miming a couple scene: “Shit bag come and eat!”. “She called me that and gave me orders”specified the producer, impassive. “She said to me ‘saddle bag, come here’ and wanted to walk me on a leash […]”.

A situation that did not seem to bother him. “You’re still not well, are you? Have you thought about getting a consultation lately? then launched Cyril Hanouna, perplexed. “I will think about it with the teams”, assured Guillaume Genton who did not want to reveal the identity of the young woman. To be continued…


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