COVID-19: Legault will continue to wear the mask

With the rise in cases of COVID-19 in Quebec, Prime Minister François Legault will continue to wear the mask, “for a while”, and advises the population to do the same.

• Read also: COVID-19: two deaths and slight drop in hospitalizations in Quebec

• Read also: Jump in hospitalizations: too early to remove the mask?

“Yes, I will continue, in any case for a while and especially with the fact that we stop seeing a drop”, affirmed the Prime Minister, underlining the increase in cases and hospitalizations in Europe and since this week in Quebec. “We are reaching a plateau and even a small increase, I think it is important that the world continues to put it on.”

Mr. Legault nevertheless maintains that the decision to withdraw the obligation to wear a mask in public places will be up to public health.

Opposition parties also believe that this decision must be guided by public health.

Solidarity Ruba Ghazal, however, expressed concern about the spike in cases in Europe.

“We must put in place measures to learn to live with the virus, perhaps expand PCR tests, see also for the mask. All the measures that need to be put in place to learn to live with the virus, because it’s not over. I am worried,” she said.


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