Minxoriak – Zuekin Gaur Hemen

Minxoriak is one of the dance groups that marked the 70s, 80s and 90s: at the beginning, Niko Etxart was the singer, then he gave way to Jama Larreburu, a real beast of the stage.
Hundreds of concerts, 3 albums, Minxoriak has made several generations of Basques dance, skimming village festivals and concerts.

Zuekin Gaur Hemen, with you, here and now

Minxoriak often covered well-known songs in Basque, but also created his own repertoire, with songs composed for balls in the Basque Country: rock or folk versions, the public loved this group, which shared so much with its fans.
Zuekin Gaur Hemen is one of Minxoriak’s best-known tracks, a hymn to celebration and sharing.

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