What we know about the assassination of rugby player Federico Martin Aramburu in Paris

Federico Martin Aramburu, ex-Argentine rugby international, was shot dead in Paris on the night of Friday March 18 to Saturday March 19, after going out to a bar. A flagrant investigation for “assassination” was opened and entrusted to the criminal brigade, said the Paris prosecutor’s office. Here is what we know about the victim and the circumstances of his death.

Twice French rugby champion

42 years old, Federico Martin Aramburu was an Argentine rugby player well known in France for having played in several clubs in France. Ooccupying the post ofand three-quarters, he had 22 caps with Argentina and was twice winner of the French championship with Biarritz in 2005 and 2006. He was also chairman of the club’s Socios from 2015 to 2018. He participated in the Rugby World Cup in 2007 with the Argentine Pumas, taking third place at the expense of the French. Since 2014, he has managed a travel agency, Esprit basque, in Biarritz.

On the announcement of his death, the whole of Biarritz Olympique sent “his most sincere condolences to his family, loved ones”.All those who knew and rubbed shoulders with him will have the same words, it was kindness itself”, mentioned on France Bleu Pays basque Nicolas Brusque, former fullback for Biarritz Olympique and the XV of France. I find it hard to talk about him in the past… He was the perfect guy, who gathered around him, and, what is more, a father of three children.

“Off the pitch, he was a beautiful person and a friend. We had moments that bonded us forever. It’s terrible news, it’s still hard to believe.”also reacted Julien Peyrelongue, one of his former teammates in Biarritz.

Saturday evening at the Stade de France, during the France-England match of the Six Nations Tournament, a tribute was paid to him. At the end of the meeting won by France, Maxime Lucu, scrum half of the XV of France and former biarrot, entrusted to South West : “I thought about it a lot during the match. It’s a lot of anger that comes out. (…) I still have a lot of emotion and tonight, we dedicate this victory to him.”

Shot dead after an altercation in a bar

The facts took place on Saturday at 6:15 a.m., according to a police source at franceinfo. A verbal dispute broke out between two groups at the exit of the bar Le Mabillon, on boulevard Saint-Germain, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. The rugby player was part of one of the two groups.

According to this close source, Federico Martin Aramburu knocked down an individual from the other group by pulling on his hood. The bouncers of the establishment managed to separate the two clans, who then left the premises. A man and a woman then returned in a Jeep type vehicle. Two shots were fired in the direction of the rugby player without hitting him. Another individual then recovered the weapon from the car, chased the Argentinian on foot and fired six times. Five bullets hit the victim. Federico Martin Aramburu was fatally shot in front of his hotel, one of his relatives told France Bleu Pays basque.

According to local radio, the former rugby player was in Paris to attend the France-England Six Nations Tournament match. Several former Biarritz Olympique players were to meet in the afternoon.

Three suspects wanted, including a far-right activist

A flagrant investigation for “assassination” has been opened, learned franceinfo from the Paris prosecutor’s office. The investigations were entrusted to the criminal brigade. According to a source close to the investigation at franceinfo, the two groups did not know each other. The shooter was identified as the hooded man the rugby player knocked down.

Two people are still actively sought. Among them figure a far-right activist, who had already distinguished himself for acts of violence. He was identified by witnesses and CCTV footage.

OneThe woman was arrested on Saturday afternoon, franceinfo learned from a source familiar with the matter on Monday. Still in police custody on Monday at midday, she is suspected of having been driving the car from which the first shots were fired at the victim.

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