Eight months after its opening to the public, the Comet was finally inaugurated with great fanfare on Wednesday, November 3. This UFO in the cultural world of Saint-Etienne takes over from the Comédie de Saint-Étienne in the Beaubrun and Tarentaize district. To celebrate its inauguration, three days of concerts, shows and ballets are organized from November 5 to 7. We show you the main ones, but you can find the full booklet here.
Friday November 5th
- 2 pm-4:30pm, La Comète connects: a virtual reality adventure that will introduce you to the Comète
- 6 p.m .: a stage shared with two groups of amateurs from the creation workshops of the École de l’Oralité and the Theater department of the Massenet Conservatory
- 9 p.m., Relative World: a ballet proposed by the company 21 in residence at La Comète
Saturday 6 November
- 9:30 am and 1:30 pm, a parent / child musical awakening workshop at La Fabrique Musicale, for children aged 3 months to 2 and a half years old
- 10am, a public rehearsal of the work “Les Gardiens” at the Atelier de l’Ecole de l’Oralité
- 11am, a dance workshop with the Ballet 21 company
- 2 p.m. Nothing. a 30-minute show by Cécilia Vallet, director and former student of the Theater department of the Massenet Conservatory, graduated in 2021.
- 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. the Carrousel Titanos and Pistaco on Place Roannelle
Sunday November 7
- 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. a parent / child musical awakening workshop At La Fabrique Musicale, for children from 3 months to 2 and a half years old
- 10:30 a.m. a guided tour of the Comet, meeting place Roannelle
- 2 p.m., a theater workshop with the company Parole en Acte
- 3 pm-5pm, the Titanos and Pistacol Carrousel on Place Roannelle
- 3:45 p.m. an electronic music concert in the hall
- 5 p.m. There, a screening of the Virago Company filmed by the filmmakers of the 87 Revanchards in the ancestor of the Comet, the former Comédie de Saint-Étienne