La maison des ados, a branch in Gironde to support parents and children

The period of adolescence is a time in life that should not be overlooked. Listening, prevention and support are sometimes necessary so as not to create situations of conflict or problems for young people, but also for those around them. The Maison des ados is an association that works in this area. Present throughout France, it also has a branch in Gironde. Claire Guérin is its director.

On the strength of its actions before the health crisis, the association is all the more solicited by teenagers suffering from this unprecedented and difficult period. The requests are only increasing with peaks linked to the health crisis and its consequences on the lives of young people. Reception places have been reinforced, ad hoc resources put in place as reinforcements. Teenagers need to be listened to, but so do parents and those around them.

Place of reception and listening

Anonymous and free, the service offered by the Maison des ados is a real tool to support teenagers and their parents in the crisis but also upstream. 85% of teens are fine. Concern, questioning, ill-being, suffering… for yourself or your teenager or your boyfriend/girlfriend, the association is a place of listening around different issues: family issues (conflict, communication…), questions of school, harassment, emotional life, parents overwhelmed and exhausted and in demand… The Maison des ados intervenes in many areas but is not a place of care.

Useful information

The Maison des Adolescents de la Gironde is a place intended for young people from 11 to 25 years old, to the close entourage. Open to the public Monday to Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Thursday and Friday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tel: 05 56 38 48 65. Branches are open in Bordeaux, South Gironde and the Médoc.

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