Demonstration against sanitary measures in Montreal

About sixty opponents of health measures demonstrated on Saturday against the “dictatorship” in downtown Montreal.

Posted at 2:55 p.m.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

A few Canadian and Quebec flags flew in front of the tower at 1250 René-Lévesque Boulevard West, the starting point of the march at 1 p.m. “The virus does not exist”, “Freedom”, “Dismissal of Legault”, could be read on signs.

Most health measures have now been lifted in Quebec, but for the organizer of the event, Inti Ortega, the “tyranny” is not over. He accuses the government of “suspending” health instructions for the summer. “They just lighten them up in the summer so people don’t get mad. And then they start again, ”he says, megaphone in hand.

This is also what Francine Legault believes. “There is nothing finished. Mr. Legault put everything on ice, ”she says, convinced. “They are going to put the measurements back next winter, as they do all the time. It’s always the stick and the carrot, ”adds a protester who did not wish to be identified.

A few police vehicles surrounded the demonstrators, who remained peaceful. In the middle of the afternoon, the Police Department of the City of Montreal did not report any overflow or arrest.

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