The meeting was once again given place Félix Poulat, in Grenoble. Hundreds of demonstrators got together, to support Ukraine and say “no” to war. In the procession, signs asking for the closure of airspace, for example. Before walking in the city center, Tatiana wanted to speak, in Ukrainian.
She created Ukraine Grenoble Isère, a very young association of only ten days, based in Sassenage. Svitlana, the treasurer organized the first aid and think also of the morale of the refugees : “We will organize cultural events, to bring people together. We want to recreate this society, maintain our culture, so as not to forget it and fight against war..”
– Shannon Marini
Another association in the Grenoble conurbation: Mriya Ukraine, created just a few days ago by Viktoriia. “It all started with the Facebook group, she explains. Each came with a proposal, translation skills, support. People also offered jobs.”
– Shannon Marini
Viktoriia has already found work for three people, including a refugee from kyiv who could quickly get a job as a governess. “The job posting asked for a woman who speaks English or French. She speaks good English, so it was a good candidate. She is 38 and has no children, so can work full time. The employer has an apartment next door and can accommodate her.”
– Shannon Marini
To help associations, by offering work, accommodation or any other help, you can go to the association’s Facebook page Ukraine or of Ukraine Grenoble Isere.