The general assembly of the fishermen of Charente-Maritime

Today March 19, 2022 is the Departmental General Assembly of fishermen. Bruno Garcia from the Charente-Maritime fishing federation on France Bleu la Rochelle tells us that this assembly has something special. We will not only take stock of the past year but it is also elective of a new Board of Directors.

Bruno Garcia

We will effectively ensure the renewal of the 15 members of the Federal Board of Directors for five years; during local general assemblies, that is to say those of the AAPPMA fishermen, all fishing license holders elect representatives of this association who then appoint delegates to represent them during the vote at the Departmental General Assembly.

I assume that won’t be the only topic discussed at this meeting today?

No, I was telling you the review of the year 2021 will be discussed but also and this is a very important point, the study of the wishes expressed by the 22 fishing associations that will be present. And yes, that’s where the major regulatory decisions start, those that will also be taken for five years.

Rules set for five years?

Everyone can make mistakes. No, it’s not as rigid as that. You can well imagine that during these 5 years if the observation is made, of any difficulty in relation to the decisions taken, we will do everything to modify them. Despite everything, there must be a basis for this change, a legitimacy. For example, the decision to remove a fishing reserve. If you notice in the short term that it is a nuisance for the fish or for a local resident, you can reconsider this decision and suggest that the administration review this text.

Which administration validates the “fishing” regulatory aspect?

It is the Departmental Direction of the territories and the Sea, the DDTM. It represents for fishing on inland waters the Prefect of Charente-Maritime.

Perhaps you could have given us an update on the trout opening on March 12th?

With pleasure but also with figures, 17 surveillance teams were detached to the department last Saturday and Sunday. 1,481 fishermen were checked, 6 reports drawn up for lack of a card and prohibited fishing method and around 2,030 trout were caught.

More than one fish per angler, almost 2, there was something for everyone!

If we take an average, that’s it, but in practice it doesn’t quite stick. As always some had 4 and others none. On this subject I am going to allow myself, in all modesty, a small remark: I am not surprised by the “empty-handedness” of some – some. Even if these trout are farmed, make sure to use fine lines. When during checks I see 20-gram floats with 30-hundredth nylons to catch fish that average 200 grams, I’m not surprised at the fisherman’s disappointment. With fish of this size, there is no need to use equipment that could be used to tow a car.

The recipe for being more efficient

What you need to know is that one of the means of perception for fish is at mouth level. I don’t know if it’s suitable, but I would say its “tactile sense” is in the mouth. The more discreet your line, the more likely you are to deceive his distrust.

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