how French high schools are organized

The private group Odyssey has a school in Odessa, the port city in southern Ukraine. From the start of the Russian offensive, the staff and students of the establishment, from kindergarten to high school, left the country.

All staff and families are safe.” explains Jonathan Derai, co-founder and vice-president of Odyssey. Luckily, due to school holidays, the school was closed at the time of the first bombings by the Russian army, as were the two other French high schools in kyiv, the capital.

The public network Canopé, operator of the Ministry of Education, which provides distance training for teachers, offers free access to videos in short format on its site, details Marie-Caroline Missir, General Manager:

We have been asked to provide teachers and students in this country with educational films that allow them to accompany the class remotely or to be watched at home. The Canopé network has also published a guide for the education of Ukrainian refugee children in France.

Marie-Caroline Missir, director of the Canopé network: "We have been asked to provide teachers and students in this country with educational films" (LEVILLAIN KOVALSKY)

The French high school group Odyssey

The Canopy network

Find this chronicle on www.vivre à l’é, the international mobility website

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