Lou Doillon is pregnant with her 2nd child! Nice video of her already round belly

No information was given on the future baby of Lou Doillon. We do not know if the father is the same dad as Marlowe, if the latter will have a little brother or a little sister, or when baby will point the tip of his nose. Only certainty: Lou Doillon will make a great mom, as she has been for her eldest all her life. Fan of his son, the artist declared his love for mom several times. On July 12, she showed all her pride by posting a snapshot of her great Marlowe for her birthday: “I have now known the world more by your side than without you. 19 years that I had you, 19 sublime years with you“.

The future child can be quiet even before having pointed the tip of his nose. Not only will he have a mother of thunder, but he will also be able to count on his famous grandmother Jane Birkin. If the ex-companion of Serge Gainsbourg admitted not having always ensured in her role of mother, she admitted, on the other hand, to be a brilliant grandmother: “JI feel good with small children. I have no complex, I have fun, I am light. We dress in leaves, they say a rock is a whale, and when I see a child sleeping next to me, I don’t blame him for not keeping me company at night” she indicated in Psychologies. Jane Birkin must be looking forward to meeting baby to wade into The slush, the slush

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