Jacques Legros (70 years old) is by far the most active JT joker! He who intervenes mainly when one of his colleagues goes on vacation or is sick, has been going on for weeks. Since exactly the sick leave Marie-Sophie Lacarrau who had eye problems. The journalist confided in Tele-Leisure on this unprecedented situation.
Since December 17, 2021, the bubbly journalist has not been working. His absence, relayed by the chain was to stop on February 28 but no, the judgment of Marie-Sophie Lacarrau was extended. Jacques Legros was therefore called to the rescue, which turned his plans upside down. “I always told my bosses that I would manage to adapt to all circumstances and rearrange my other activities. This is the case right now. I organize myself. What was planned for a morning happens in the afternoon, what was planned for a weekday happens on the weekend. We take out the shoehorn and we manage! I live in Paris so it doesn’t bother me. On the other hand, I have a book that I was supposed to release in May and which is “planted” halfway (laughs)“, he launches.
Jacques Legros knows it, if his colleague does not come back it is because his illness is serious. Moreover, as he indicates, he is in contact with her: “With Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, we communicate. I hear from him. I want her to heal because what happened to him is something serious even if his life is not at stake.”
And indeed the disease of the journalist of 46 is heavy as he says. If she had let it be known that she suffers from a “rare and severe infection“, the magazine Paris here revealed that it would be a endophthalmitis, a very dangerous bacterium, caught, perhaps, because of contact lenses, and which could make him lose his sight. Suffice to say that this disease should not be taken lightly and that is exactly what Marie-Sophie Lacarrau does.
Regarding a possible return of the journalist, Jacques Legros does not give a date but confirms that she is eager to find the way to the sets: “She worries a little about us as we worry about her. I know she wants to do this journal. But it takes time. We’ll take it.“