a TPMP star on a show dedicated to covid-19!

The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 has allowed several doctors to be highlighted by being invited on TV sets in order to answer the many questions of the French. For example, throughout the Covid-19 crisis, they gave their opinion on the health measures taken by the government to stem a new wave or a new variant. Among them, we can quite naturally mention the emergency doctor Gérald Kierzek and the epidemiologist, Martin Blachier. But their omnipresence for two years has annoyed more than one.

guest of RTL this Thursday, March 17, Mathias Wargon, doctor who heads the emergency department of the Delafontaine hospital in Saint-Denis, spoke about the management of the public hospital in France. But also the flu epidemic which is currently surging in France. “Should we fear an influenza virus that would combine with the Covid?”asked Alba Ventura. “No, the Covid flu conjugation is a conspiratorial thing”he replied adding that “the two epidemics occur in parallel“, and “could “clog hospitals.”

Is there anything to panic about? “At some point, you have to stop making predictions. All the ‘Madame Irma’ we’ve had on the sets, it’s good, they were all wrong”, snapped the health professional. Could it be a tackle sent to these two colleagues? It looks a lot like it…

Blachier and Kierzek friends as pigs?

In his book Mega Mess – secret history of the pandemic, Martin Blachier spoke about his relationship with Gérald Kierzek. “I quickly came across the ubiquitous Gérald Kierzek on the occasion of my first television “outings”. On the LCI set, our relationship got off to a bad start”.

But eventually, they will end up getting closer. “From the first months of 2021, he is even taking a close interest in the analyzes and predictions that PHE continue to publish… and that I am happy to pass on to him. Gérald is tirelessly on the lookout for of data, always worrying about missing some noteworthy fact.”

See also: “If I hadn’t been vaccinated it would have been even worse …”: Back on C8, Benjamin Castaldi tells how he suffered from Covid-19 …


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