recruitment of teachers, school calendar… Yannick Jadot’s proposals in terms of education

Yannick Jadot revealed his program for education. Among the measures which have reacted, both the teaching world and the families, the environmental candidate proposes the reduction of school holidays.

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It’s in the newspaper The cross (in an article reserved for subscribers) that Yannick Jadot detailed his program for education, Wednesday March 16. Among other things, he announced that he was considering reducing school holidays. The EELV candidate explains that he wants to free up more time for practical knowledge: “nature, culture, sports, crafts“, in his words. No question, for him of reducing the share of fundamental knowledge (reading, writing, counting), but of better distributing them over a longer school time. And for that, the ecologist proposes to “review teachers’ service obligations“. This means reviewing their working hours. A review that could be discussed during collective bargaining, and what he calls a “consensus conference“, a kind of national consultation, with all the stakeholders.

Yannick Jadot is the only candidate to propose this measure. This is also an announcement that surprised the main primary union, the Snuipp. It did not appear in the candidate’s online program. On the other hand, other proposals are shared, or at least in part, by other applicants to the Elysée. For example, the introduction of mathematics in the common trunk in first and final. The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, had recently recognized this need. The idea is taken up by Emmanuel Macron but also Valérie Pécresse.

Recruit teachers and increase their salaries

Yannick Jadot also wants to recruit 65,000 teachers and increase teachers’ salaries by 20%. Several candidates have proposals of the same type: Anne Hidalgo wanted at one time to double the salary of teachers, before evolving on the subject. She now says she wants to bring it up to that of executives. Emmanuel Macron wants to raise his wages, but by linking them to everyone’s investment. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, proposes a 30% increase in the salaries of teachers and educational staff. Finally, Marine Le Pen finally promises a revaluation of 3% per year for five years.

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