skoulmoù martoloded, Gégé Paotr Enez sun.

Paotr Enez sun eo Gégé, ha war an Enez eo neus ruilhet e yaouankiz. Ur yaouankiz evurus troet atav war ar mor d’un amzer ma oa c’hoazh ar bras eus an dud o vevañ diwar ar beskerezh pe ar c’hoñvers. O sellet eus an dud ha surtoud e dad “ar gwellañ mestr” neus desket buan penaoz ober skoulmoù, ha dre e plowing a vartolod evit an arm vor e neus kendalc’het da skoulmañ kerdenn. Bremañ emañ o vevañ diwar e leve e Douarnenez hag alies vez gwelet er porzh mirdi o teskin of an dud ober skoulmoù eizh, skoulmou pao ki, skoulmoù kador … ha kement zo toud.

sailor knot book illustration © Radio France
Clement Soubigou

Gégé, Sénan of origin spent his childhood on his island, and it was with his father, a fisherman, that he began to learn to tie the various marine knots necessary for boats, nets and pots. After a professional career in the French Navy, he regularly hosts events around the art of marine knots for the Port Museum of Douarnenez. He tells us about his life and these techniques in his “bredoneg an enez” (Breton language of the island of Sein)

Entertainment offered to children at the museum port
Entertainment offered to children at the museum port © Radio France
Clement Soubigou
View from the baliseur bridge,
View of the baliseur bridge, “King Gradlon” © Radio France
Clement Soubigou
Old ship on display in the museum
Old ship on display in the museum © Radio France
Clement Soubigou
Inside the hull of the sand pit barge
Inside the hull of the “god protect” sand pit barge © Radio France
Clement Soubigou
Rope pulley
Rope pulley © Radio France
Clement Soubigou
Sailor's knot
Sailor’s knot © Radio France
Clement Soubigou

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