This Monday, March 21, the new season of “And if we met” arrives on M6 at 11:15 p.m. After a remarkable first season in 2021, and the surge in social networks, the channel decided to renew the experience. And on the candidate side, viewers will not be disappointed. As proof, the new teaser unveiled this Tuesday, March 15 on Instagram.
The principle of the M6 broadcast
Produced by Studio 89 and Marc de Suzzoni, this idea of a first meeting in front of the cameras germinated during the first confinement and its many people who spoke to each other for the first time and fell in love from a distance. So, to make the first meeting magical, the show was born. The show takes place in a castle, a participant recounts his virtual relationship, without anyone ever seeing the person he is talking about. Then the other comes. At the end of the date, they decide whether or not they want to continue the weekend together. But sometimes, after 1, 2 or 5 years of talking to each other without seeing each other, people imagine their ideal, fantasize about the one they are going to meet: “We create an image of the other which is not necessarily reality. It’s easy to hide behind a screen, words or just a voice. The person in flesh and blood is not necessarily the same…” specifies the producer.
A candidate who hides her face?
And indeed, for this second season, the first candidate Giulia, risks surprising her lover from a distance, Pierre. In her presentation, viewers will discover the young woman in real life, facing the camera, then through her photos on social networks. And if it is not changed and indeed 100% natural, Internet users do not really agree: “She lives in denial”, “Olala the filters…”, “No retouching? Really?”, “The scam of the century”, “Is this a joke?”
Discover for yourself:
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