measures to support companies impacted by the war in Ukraine




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How to deal with the global economic consequences of the war in Ukraine? The government must present, Wednesday, March 16 in the afternoon, his plan of resilience. We find, live from the Élysée Palace, Jean-Baptiste Marteau.

The Prime Minister will unveil, on Wednesday March 16, specific measures for companies, for the most affected sectors, but he is already warning that this will not be a new “whatever the cost”. It will have nothing to do with this principle enacted during the Covid crisis, which aimed to greatly help all companies that saw their turnover drop.“, confirms Jean-Baptiste Marteau, live from Elysee Palace.

Theit will be case by case, very sectorized, specifies Matignon. Clearly, we are going to help companies that are unable to produce, because of this war in Ukraine and the consequences it is having.“, reports the journalist. This concerns companies in the industrial and agricultural sector, which are totally dependent on gas, but also those in the agri-food sector, metallurgy, “very affected by supply difficulties”. This plane to “several billion euros” will be announced at 4 p.m. by the head of government Jean castex.

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