A very food chain game: Gobb’it

In addition to mushtiks, chameleons and snakes, there are gorillas that crush everything.

So much for the characters that you will find on the Gobb’it cards. Etienne Delorme of the Festival Ludique International de Parthenay tells us the rules of this little game that appeals to all ages.

And poof! You have to act before you are eaten.

Everyone turns over a card from the pile in front of them and there they will have to be the fastest to act before being eaten.

You have to act quickly, either in attack or in defense, but be careful, you must also respect the colors:

a blue mushtik can only be eaten by a blue animal.

Of course! The winner is the one who still has cards at the end of the game.

Benefits :

  • games are fast,
  • children from 7 years old can play, l
  • the drawings are funny and brightly colored,
  • the parties are lively and animated.

How much does Gobb’it cost? from 12 to 15 euros.

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