suppliers are also hit hard by inflation


Article written by

C. Tixier, G. De Florival, J. Weyl, JL. Boulesteix, V. Travert, D. Fuchs, France 3 Nord-Pas-de-Calais – France 3

France Televisions

How to pay your electricity bill is the question that all French people ask themselves in this period of inflation in the price of electricity. 20% households admit to having suffered from the cold this year. With this outbreak, some suppliers have downright decide to abandon the market.

Rising energy prices are a central issue for many homes. We have to heat ourselves, use electricity in everyday life like that, we have to. We do not have a choice. Obviously, we will have to draw on other expenses otherwise we will have unpaid bills and that’s something I don’t want “, explains a mother. To reduce her energy bill, she decided to change supplier.

With this surge in prices, 25% of French people admit to having difficulty paying their energy bills. So some have turned to alternative suppliers, there are about forty on the market. However, soaring prices are also affecting suppliers, many of whom are also finding themselves in difficulty. Leclerc energies, for example, has just withdrawn its offer. Consequently, 140,000 customers are called upon to supply themselves elsewhere.

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