War in Ukraine: in the Vosges, an association welcomes Ukrainian refugees



France 3

Article written by

C. Guyon, France 3 Regions, J.-C. Lambard – France 3

France Televisions

According to the UN, on the evening of Tuesday March 15, three million Ukrainians have already left their country, half of them children. In the Vosges, an association has been created to welcome them.

Albin Coanet hosts at his home in Xertigny (Vosges)marina Podobied and his three sons. They left Kyiv (Ukraine) fleeing the war, and arrived in France after a grueling five-day journey. Like this family, 19 other Ukrainians have found refuge in the French city. A welcome made possible thanks to the volunteers of the association I shelter a refugee, which helps Ukrainians.

At 66, Denis Blandin did not hesitate to travel nearly 3,000 km in a van to Poland, to bring these families back to France. I do what I can, I’m ready to do more“, assures the latter, very moved. The association also organizes food drives in supermarkets. This type of solidarity initiative multiply : more than 60 Ukrainian refugees have thus been taken care of in the Vosges since the beginning of the war.

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