This Sunday, March 13, 2022, a real family drama took place in the village of Fabrègues (Hérault) located southwest of Montpellier. The 7,000 inhabitants of this quiet little area were shocked by the actions of a 14-year-old girl. Armed with a knife, the young girl committed the irreparable. At the start of the afternoon, the latter first rushed at her father before heading towards her mother and her 8-year-old little sister. A scene of extreme violence which the youngest of the family, 6 years old, watched helplessly.
The father, in his forties, unfortunately did not survive the injuries inflicted by his daughter. Hit in the chest, the patriarch would have breathed his last due to internal bleeding in the lung, reports the editorial staff of Midi Libre. The mother, for her part, was hit in the stomach. As for the accused’s little sister, it was on the back that the blows were struck. Alerted, the emergency services very quickly intervened at the scene of the crime and the two victims who were still alive were able to be taken care of quickly and transported to intensive care in the anesthesia and resuscitation department of the Lapeyronie university hospital center in Montpellier.
According to information from our colleagues, the vital prognosis of the mother would not be engaged. Neither does the girl’s. They remain, however, under observation. The perpetrator was taken into custody with one of her friends who was present at the time. For the moment, the gesture of the teenager remains unexplained. The only reason mentioned by the young girl during her audition is the following. She couldn’t bear her parents’ reproaches anymore. The investigation is therefore continuing and the gendarmes are waiting to hear the testimony of the mother.
See also: