Jean Lassalle “strongly plans” to withdraw from the race for the Elysée

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12:12 p.m. : It’s noon, what to remember from the news?

• The number of exiles has reached 3 million, announces the International Organization for Migration. For its part, Unicef ​​estimates that a child is forced to flee the country every second that passes, said James Elder, a spokesman for Unicef. Follow the evolution of the situation in our direct.

• Candidates pass their grand oral exam in front of local elected officials. “I don’t know if I will still be a candidate tonight. Because this election no longer has any meaning, says Jean Lassalle. Follow the situation in our live.

“It is not an electoral decision, but an economic one”defends Minister Amélie de Montchalin, on franceinfo. “We cannot, as a public employer, let the purchasing power of our agents drop out in this unprecedented situation”she declares while the oppositions denounce a measure taken for the presidential election.

• Tarn and Haute-Garonne are placed on orange alert due to the risks associated with high winds.

12:01 : Philippe Poutou, NPA candidate, is in turn heard by local elected officials. It offers “structures of direct democracy”. “We are in a very undemocratic world, unfortunately the local democratic structures are not so either”he believes.

11:46 : Marine Le Pen passes in turn in front of local elected officials. The candidate of the National Rally promises a “demetropolisation” and evokes a rapprochement between regions and departments, mentioning a possible territorial adviser.

11:46 : “I don’t know if I will still be a candidate tonightdeclares Jean Lassalle in front of the local elected officials.

11:21 a.m. : It’s borderline a Trumpist sentence! We must stop saying that there is no campaign. Those who vote Macron know perfectly well who and what they are voting for! Perhaps also if “the left” had made common cause, we would not be there! And then slim, we have to make the voters responsible a little. You have the right to vote, you find out about each other’s programs.

11:21 a.m. : Would he say the same thing if his candidate were the best placed in the voting intentions? Such remarks are totally unacceptable from this personality and irresponsible.

11:21 a.m. : Does Mr. Larcher have Trump in him? Feeling the big defeat for his side coming?

11:29 : Many of you reacted to the words of Gérard Larcher, the President of the Senate. “If there is no campaign, the question of the legitimacy of the winner will arise”he said in an interview with Figaro (paid article).

11:47 : In front of local elected officials, Jean Lassalle pays tribute to the action of the mayors of France, whom he calls “35,000 sentinels of France”.

11:47 : All the presidential candidates (except Emmanuel Macron and Eric Zemmour) pass a great oral in front of the local elected officials. “I will return in 15 years the 15 billion euros to the communities taken under the Hollande mandate”promises the communist candidate Fabien Roussel, who salutes the role of the municipality.

11:47 : The candidates pass their great oral in front of the local elected officials. “The candidates who decided to come were right. The others were wrong, they are only two out of twelve”, says David Lisnard, president of the Association of Mayors of France. Who are the two candidates not to be heard? Emmanuel Macron and Eric Zemmour.

11:47 : He denounces “irresponsible talk”. Julien Denormandie, Minister of Agriculture, responds to Gérard Larcher. The President of the Senate told the Figaro : “If there is no campaign, the question of the legitimacy of the winner will arise.”

09:25 : “If there is no campaign, the question of the legitimacy of the winner will arise.”

Senate President Gérard Larcher warns of the ongoing campaign, overshadowed by the war in Ukraine. “Whoever wins the ballot in April, the conditions of this election will build its legitimacy”he says in the Figaro.

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