Offenses down 7.32% in Nice between 2017 and 2021. In 2021 according to the prefecture of the Alpes Maritimes, the level of general delinquency is the lowest recordedexcept for the year 2020 marked by Covid-19.
In parallel, the number of cases solved has reached its highest level since 2017. It thus rose from 28.53% in 2017 to 35.63% in 2021. Similarly, arrests increased almost constantly between 2017 and 2021 (+15.2% between 2017 and 2021).
A sharp drop in property crimes
After a notable increase in 2018, the crime rate for property crimes, per 1,000 inhabitants, has been falling sharply for 4 years. It reached in 2021 a record level of 35.86‰.
While the level for 2020 appeared to be exceptionally low given the low number of incidents per inhabitant (11 points less than in 2019), this reduction continued, notably in 2021.
An increase in domestic violence
The rate of willful attacks on personal integrity in 2021 is increasing. This increase is due to increase in cases of domestic violence. The number of facts elucidated has also increased by 26.61% between 2017 and 2021.
Concerning the offenses recorded by the action of the services which includes cases of concealment, carrying and possession of weapons, offenses related to the legislation on foreigners and offenses related to narcotics, the rate per 1000 inhabitants remains at a high level including in 2020. In 2021, this rate, which has increased very sharply (+4 points), is much higher, more than double that observed in the comparable constituencies of the panel.
Those are carrying prohibited weapons, cases of trafficking and use of narcotics which experienced the most marked changes: + 89.6%, + 161.5% and + 86.32% respectively.
Stable crime in the Moulins and Ariane neighborhoods
These two areas are “Republican Reconquest District” (QRR). This generates an increase in violations revealed by the action of the services of more than 300%. At the same time, damage to property is down over 5 years: -40.7% between 2017 and 2021 and the level remains low for the two QRRs: 2.15‰ and 2.6‰ for the QRRs of Les Moulins and ‘Ariane.
Voluntary attacks against the integrity of individuals experienced less favorable trends: +14.9% over 5 years. In 2021, QRRs are down 2.2%. Finally, the QRRs are little marked by scams and economic and financial offences.
The number of traffic accidents down by 60%
Finally, with regard to road safety, the number of traffic injuries between 2017 and 2021 fell by 60%. The most serious accidents affect the most vulnerable people and especially motorized two-wheelers and pedestrians: in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, they represent approximately 90% of fatal accidents recorded.
The year 2020 benefited from a lull in terms of accidents. However, this year was marked by 15 fatal accidents recorded, the highest level for 5 years. In 2021, 14 people were killed as a result of traffic accidents.
An initial favorable assessment for the operational partnership groups
This positive assessment according to the city and the prefecture and in particular due to the establishment of operational partnership groups (GPO) in Nice. The city has been divided into hui zone to manage the problems of security or tranquility on a daily basis. The work of these GPOs therefore led to 276 arrests in 20214127 verbalizations, 223 legal requisitions, 217 checks on businesses.
Topics as varied as disturbances, street sales, incivilities, inconvenient parkinglittering, burglary, pickpocketing or drug use.