in England and Hong Kong, the epidemic recovery creates surprise

No more indoor masks, no more sanitary passes at the cinema or in restaurants. France is lifting most of the health restrictions and at the same time facing a resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic. The virus is regaining ground in several countries. Illustration in England and Hong Kong.

The English were taken aback by the increase in contamination

Since the start of the pandemic, experts have relied on the number of contaminations. If it was increasing, they extrapolated and inferred an increase in the number of hospitalizations within seven days. But since February 24, people who have contracted Covid-19 are no longer required to isolate themselves. Prime Minister Boris Johnson would like people to learn to live with the virus and treat it like the flu. Consequence: fewer people are tested and even fewer register their tests on the NHS, the site of the British health service. However, the hospitalization figures are clear: 1,200 people are hospitalized on average every day. 11,000 people in total, an increase of 16% in one week. However, the situation remains manageable in hospitals.

The British government has waived compulsory vaccination of its caregivers. He justified himself by explaining that this decision had been made when the Delta variant was dominant. Since the Omicron variant has become the majority, it causes less serious forms of the disease. According to Health Minister Sajid Javid, half as many patients need emergency care. He also points out that only 5% of nursing staff are not vaccinated.

Certainly she is cured. She speaks regularly with many personalities by videoconference or by telephone. Last week, she even received the Canadian Prime Minister in person at Windsor Castle, where she has resided since the start of the pandemic. She regularly consults the famous red boxes, the red boxes in which official documents are found.

Queen Elizabeth was due to make a public appearance on Monday March 14, three weeks after contracting Covid-19. But in the end she will not attend the ceremony organized as part of the annual Commonwealth Day. This is a big disappointment for the British. Ie Prince Charles will represent the royal family. The queen, meanwhile, is expected to attend a ceremony in memory of her husband, Prince Philip, on March 29.

Hong Kong can no longer apply its “zero Covid” strategy

The island is recording new contamination records. The fifth wave is very virulent and has not peaked yet. The government thought it could eternally stop the Covid-19 at the borders thanks to the drastic quarantine measures, imposed for more than a year. But the virus finally infiltrated and the authorities had no plans to deal with it.

On Sunday, Hong Kong recorded nearly 30,000 new cases and 190 deaths. The island recorded an average of 243 deaths per day last week. Proportionally to population, this is by far the highest rate recorded in the world since the start of the pandemic. The deceased patients are mostly elderly people, unvaccinated in most cases.

This epidemic outbreak has several direct consequences: hospitals and crematoriums are overwhelmed, almost all sectors (hospitals, businesses, transport) are facing a lack of staff. New restrictions have been taken as part of the “zero Covid” strategy: new mandatory business closures, four months advancement of the long summer holidays.

To justify this last measure, the government explains that it needs schools to launch its major universal screening operation which, in the end, has just been postponed. It is likely to take place when the schools have reopened. This example, among others, illustrates the enormous confusion currently reigning in Hong Kong in the management of this pandemic.

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