What to do with anti-virus and Russian software?

Kaspersky. Specialty: computer security and the fight against viruses. In the sector, it is one of the largest software publishers in the world: 400 million users, 250,000 companies.

“Kaspersky” as Eugène Kaspersky, its founder, cybersecurity expert, graduate in mathematics from the KGB high school at the time, became FSB, in other words, Russian intelligence. Free and paid software, for PCs and smartphones, banned from US federal agencies since 2017, since they were suspected of serving as a gateway for espionage and the exfiltration of sensitive data.

Five years later, in France, Kaspersky is therefore mentioned by name in an official report by a French government agency: this “threats and incidents” report comes from the Government Center for Monitoring, Alerting and Responding to Computer Attacks – “Computer Emergency Response Team” in English, hence the acronym “CERT-FR”). It is attached to the National Information Systems Security Agency (ANSSI). The document dated March 2, was last updated on Monday March 7.

Under the heading “Use of Russia-related digital tools” reads: “In the current context, the use of certain digital tools, in particular the tools of the Kaspersky company, can be questioned because of their link with Russia.”

In this period of tension, every word is weighed. And the disclaimer that could also have quoted Dr. Webb, another Russian publisher, doesn’t implicate Kaspersky – “at this stage, no objective element justifies changing the assessment of the level of quality of the products and services provided” – but he talks about “basic precautions”.

A decryption is necessary to understand what this quasi-diplomatic language actually implies. We must distinguish two scenarios: if you are not yet using Kaspersky software, in this case it is better to avoid them, at least for the moment. Now, if your computer security relies on Kaspersky software, it is better to find another solution: “A diversification solution must be considered”writes the CERT-FR.

Warning: the cyber threat is such at the moment that it is out of the question to remain, even for a few hours, without alternative protection in this “context of tensions in cyberspace and exacerbated cybercrime”. Hear: in the worst case scenario, Kaspersky is better than no IT protection solution. But if you choose to switch to competing software – be it the American Norton, the Slovak ESET or the Czech Avast for example – activate them before deactivating those of Kaspersky.

So much for the purely cyber threat, but there is another risk related to the war in Ukraine and the isolation of Russia. The CERT-FR also considers the overall evolution of the situation: economic and financial situation of these Russian publishers, with perhaps the risk of bankruptcy and then, who knows, if the Russians found themselves isolated, cut off from the rest of the Internet , it would become impossible for the customers of these vendors to retrieve the updates that are so essential for computer security and anti-virus software. Here is a second reason, to read between the lines, to play it safe and not to take risks.

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