motorists, fishermen, real estate agents… The impact of the crisis on the French



Article written by

J.Bigard, P.-L.Monnier, O.Martin, J.Coulais, V.Lucas, A.Guillerot Malik, J.-P.Rivalain, H.Smague, N.Murviedro – France 2

France Televisions

Individuals, but also several sectors of the economy, fear suffocation with the rise in prices due to the war in Ukraine.

15 cents less per liter at the pump, from April 1. The news is received differently by motorists. “It’s a good start, but it will never be enough”, said one of them. The boost will also benefit fishermen. The liter of fuel has doubled for them, going from 60 cents to 1.20 euros. The rise in prices is already having an impact on the selling prices of fish. On a market in Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais), the sole is “eight euros more expensive” than the previous year, says a shopkeeper.

Real estate is also starting to worry. The French would become more hesitant about their purchase plans. “They take loans over 25 years, and that’s a long time. They need to be able to project themselves in three months, in four months, in a year”, analyzes Minja Vidic, president of Indivis Immobilier. According to a firm of experts, the war in Ukraine risks cutting French growth by nearly one point.

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